Maple Grove, MN – MGM Wine & Spirits of Maple Grove, MN recently received certificates of recognition for “Going Green.” This local retailer teamed up with Total Energy Concepts, Inc. to save energy with the installation of a Total Energy Optimization System including Power Protection and HVAC & Cooler Compressor Optimization units. This system protects electrical equipment from lightning strikes, dirty power and improves compressor efficie
Cole Pederson of MGM receives Green Certification from TEC and its Energy Specialist, Jeff Peterson.
MGM is doing its part to improve its bottom line and improve our environment. The impact from their carbon footprint will be decreased, which is good for everyone.
Jeff Peterson from Total Energy Concepts is excited about their new partnership with Cole Pederson and MGM. Jeff said “It is such a rewarding experience to work with a business owner like Cole. This retailer is pro-active in lowering his energy usage while helping reduce his carbon footprint and protecting the environment.”
Jeff Peterson is a Senior Energy Consultant at Total Energy Concepts. He can be reached by calling 763-536-0027 or e-mailing jpeterson*AT*
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